Lacoste Fabrics

lacoste fabric
lacoste knit fabric
single plate knit fabrics
lacoste fabric
lacoste knit fabric
single plate knit fabrics

Lacoste Fabrics

Lacoste fabric is a type of strappy knit fabric with a shape similar to honeycomb, which is obtained with lock and needle sequences with different loop and strap movements particularly on single plate knitting machines. Lacoste knits have RL surface similar to the single jersey knits. There are three different types as single tuck, double tuck and American lacoste (pique).

Single tuck lacostes are fabrics knitted on single plate circular knitting machines. Double tuck lacoste knitting is a type of knitting obtained by selecting two sets of needles on single plate knitting machines, ensuring one group of needles to form a loop, while the other group forms strap. Flexible yarns fastened to the machine during knitting may add flexibility to fabric. Lacoste fabrics are widely used in tight-knitted T-shirts and sportswear tops, which are generally made of mercerized cotton or a yarn blend of polyester/cotton.

fantasy knit
3000+ Fabric Type
knitting machine
30+ Knitting Machine
100% Full Capacity
circular knitting
20+ Knit Type
fantasy knit